Leigh twoTeacher:                                  Leigh Abernathy, of Twining Vine Designs

We are excited to have Leigh come over to our little shop from Arkansas.  This will be a long trip for her to show us her awesome talents, so please sign up and lets make her feel welcomed…

You will spend the afternoon with an extremely talented fiber artist learning the best, fasted techniques for wet felting a hooded hat.  She will help you create a masterpiece by the end of the class.  This is a class you don’t want to miss!!  This little hoods will make great Halloween for your little, or maybe yourself…

Date:  Saturday, October 14th at 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Costs:  $65.00, which includes all the supplies to make your hood.  $25.00 deposit required to reserve your seat in class.  Seating is limited, so you will want to get your deposit called (918-481-1055) to us soon.


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