I am currently working on getting kits together to help you start spinning. As soon as I can produce a drop spindle video I will post it too.

How to Spin

How to Ply Your Yarn

Good Posture for Spinning

Maintaining your Spinning Wheel

How to spin chunky yarn

Core Spinning on the e-Spinner Super Jumbo

e-Spinner Super Jumbo

Kiwi Super Flyer

Spinning with the Freedom Flyer on the Joy

Review of the the Ashford Country Spinner 2

Spinning on the Ashford Country Spinner 2 – Core Spinning

Spinning on the Ashford Country Spinner 2 – Bubble Ply

Spinning on the Ashford Country Spinner 2 – “In the Loop” Art Yarn

Carding and Spinning “Barely a Batt”