Class Description

Red Black necklaceIn this class, students will learn how to make components for felted necklaces, cuffs and other jewelry (such as brooches and earrings) and combine those pieces to create their own unique set of jewelry.  The instructor will show several pieces of jewelry so that students get an idea of the wide range of design elements that can be incorporated into felted jewelry.

During the first two classes, students will first determine the color palette for their jewelry.  They will then work with those colors to make a piece of flat felt (which may have surface design features such as silk or pencil roving), a piece of felt lace (technique to be demonstrated by the instructor), a cord with clasp for a necklace and felted beads.  Students will be able to take home additional merino roving so that they can make more beads if desired.

During the last class, students will design and construct their jewelry using the felted pieces they made in Week 1.  Embellishments such as beads, embroidery, buttons are added to finish the pieces.   You can click here to reserve your seat today…



No experience needed.  We’ll start with the basics.



Necklace with crystalsThe ONLY ITEM students are asked to bring to the classes is a sharp pair of scissors which will be used to cut felted shapes and thread.  If students have something personal that they would like to incorporate into their jewelry, they are asked to bring that as well.  Examples might be a small shell, a special vintage button or beads, etc.

The instructor supplies all other materials needed for the class.  Supplies include merino roving, silk embellishments, locks, buttons, beads, embroidery thread, metallic thread, snaps, etc.  However, if students want additional materials in a color not available from the instructor, they will be able to purchase roving and embellishments from Get Stitchin’.  The instructor will not have every material in every color.  Don’t miss out, click here to sign up today…


Class Outline

Tidal Pool necklaceWeek 1 – February 9th @ 10:30am

  • Review of felting process
  • Select color palette for jewelry
  • Make 1 flat felt piece and 1 lace piece

Week 2 – February 16th @ 10:30am

  • Cords
  • Beads
  • Take home roving to make additional beads

Week 3 – February 23rd @ 10:30am

Put it all together, take home, wear and enjoy.


Class Costs

Each class is $40.00 or you can sign up for all three classes for $100.00.  Click here to sign up today…

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