Hey Everyone! Join us on September 21st as we celebrate Worldwide Spin in Public Day (WWSIP Day).

Worldwide Spin in Public Day was started in 2009 by a bunch of like-minded spinners to celebrate an art that they all love – the art of spinning fibers into yarn. This site’s main purpose is to help organize spinning in public events on the third weekend of September every year. This educates the public about our love of spinning, opens minds and hearts to what we love and allows us to meet new people, get together, and just have a really fun day!
Here at Get Stitchin’ we celebrate by inviting spinners, knitters, crocheters, weavers, and more to join us for a day of yarn making and fun!! The event is hosted by Get Stitchin’, and with that said you know that Terry Brezinsky will have plenty of games with lots of prizes ready for you. If you have never spun and are interested in the process, stop by and the spinners will be happy to talk to you about it. We will have plenty of room for spinning wheels and drop spindlers, so bring your comfy chair and a bag of your favorite fiber to join us for a wonderful day of fellowship.
If you are looking for more fiber for a new spinning project Get Stitchin’ has lots of local and indie dyed fiber available!
I can’t wait to see you there.