A long time ago European cultural traditions, women would resume their household work after the twelve day after Christmas. Women would spin on their wheels during the evenings and carry a drop spindle to use during the day. The men had to get back to work, which was Plough Monday. They would play pranks on each other during this celebration, which is described in a poem by Robert Herrick (1648)(this poem was set to music in the 20th century):
“St. Distaff’s Day”
St-Distaff-3Partly worke and partly play
Ye must on S. Distaffs day:
From the Plough soone free your teame;
Then come home and fother them.
If the Maides a spinning goe,
Burne the flax, and fire the tow:
Scorch their plackets, but beware
That ye singe no maiden-haire.
Bring in pailes of water then,
Let the Maides bewash the men.
Give S. Distaffe all the right,
Then bid Christmas sport good-night;
What to expect on this day of Celebration
Date: Saturday, January 6th from 10:30am to 3:30pm
We are going to celebrate the passing of the holidays and looking forward to Spring. During this time of year the days are short, but soon will become longer. We want to invite everyone to come to the store for a day of fellowship and good cheer.
Terry is working on games for all to enjoy, and we will have areas for those who spin, knit, crochet, and more to come, sit, and stay a while. We are working on snacks and welcome those who have tons of leftover holiday snacks to unload for all to partake.
The games we play will have prizes of either yarn or spinning fiber, and more.

Adding more fun to our party!
We hope you had a fantastic holiday season filled with joy and laughter. Now that the festivities are over, we have an exciting event coming up – our “After the Holiday Party”! It’s the perfect opportunity to bring your old patterns and craft books that may not spark joy anymore and swap them for something new and exciting. You never know what hidden gems you might find! Please mark your calendars for this Saturday, January 6th, and join us for a fun-filled day of swapping and socializing.
We can’t wait to see you there.
Psst: We are working on a new concept and want to roll it out to all who come, so don’t miss out on this special announcement.