Local Yarn Store Day (LYS Day) is a celebration of creativity, craftsmanship, and community. It’s a day dedicated to the small businesses that bring fiber enthusiasts together, offering unique yarns, expert advice, and a welcoming space to learn and share. Whether you’re a knitter, crocheter, weaver, or just starting your fiber journey, LYS Day is your chance to connect with others who share your love of yarn.

Show your support for small businesses like Get Stitchin’ by coming out to celebrate the inaugural Local Yarn Store Day on April 26! This brick-and-mortar yarn shop appreciation day is designed to bring together our unique community of knitters, crocheters, weavers and spinners to drive awareness and celebrate the craft.

Please save the date for April 26th and join us in celebrating Local Yarn Store Day. We’re planning a diverse range of activities to make this a day of fun and fellowship with our valued customers. From exclusive discounts to interactive knitting sessions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. We have a grand prize planned and continue to work to bring more fun to the store for this special event. Stay tuned; more information will be posted soon.

Can you believe we are already planning another Local Yarn Store (LYS) event?  Here is what we are introducing here at the shop:

What to Look for:

Ducky Discounts

LOOK! The ducks are back and they are loaded with discounts.

When you check out, you can pick a duck to see what you discount will be. We have them at 5% up to 25% off.

Come in and let’s have a ducky good times with lots of Quacks and fun!

What’s Your Guess?

During the Local Yarn Store Day event, we are going to see who can get closest to the number of balls without going over.

What is your guess?? Come in and sign up.

We will draw for the winner at 3:30pm. The winner will be a nice yarn kit. Kit must be picked up the next week, or we will draw for another winner.

We will announce our May Fun Specials during our Local Yarn Store Day!

May Fun Stitches!

We are going to have this fun calendar for anyone who wants to join us for the month of May challenge.

The rules are simple:

  • Knit or crochet every day in May. Mark your progress on this tracker.
  • It doesn’t have to be much–just a row, or even a stitch.
  • It doesn’t have to be the same project–you can bounce around.
  • You don’t have to finish anything.
  • Just nurture your habit. It’s a good one.
  • It’s the honor system. Be honorable.

Purchase of any yarn here at Get Stitchin’ will get you this calendar.

Submit your completed tracker by 12:00pm on June 8th (Knit in Public Day). We will draw a winner from all completed entries. The prize? A gift basket + a $20 gift certificate to Get Stitchin’. Everyone who completes the challenge will receive 20 stitches, which is equal to a $5 off coupon, must have purchased and account set up before stitches can be applied. Stitch on, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

One last thing–in the spirit of keeping it simple, there’s no requirement that the yarn be purchased from Get Stitchin’. But keep your LYS in your heart, okay? This is all intended to encourage you to make your fiber-y pursuits part of your every day life, and to thank you for connecting with Get Stitchin’. ✌️

Support our Local Dyers

We are going to have some more May fun!!

Our local dyers are doing a promotion starting during this event, and the drawing will occur during Knit in Public Day, June 8th. So, throughout the month of May you can purchase as much yarn as you want, and for each skein purchased your name will go into a drawing. Each purchase from that local dyer will get your name into their basket. They will pull out a winner on June 8th at noon.