This is a great resource for learning, or to review what you have learned. We do offer instore classes that are taught our local experts. The Learning Center is to help you build on your skills or get you started after you have taken a class.

Our Classes
We have a great selection of classes that are taught by local experts. These classes are held instore to give you hands on experience.
We have classes for knitting, crochet, weaving, spinning, felting, machine knitting, tatting, bobbin lace, and more.

Learn to Weave
You took a class and have a loom, and now you want to use it. We have great step-by-step videos to get you started.

Learn to Spin
If you bought a wheel or are thinking about buying a wheel; please check out our spinning techniques using different wheels and methods.

How to Use a Drum Carder
You have a drum carder and want to learn to make beautiful batts.

How to Use a Blending Board
You have a new blending board and want to learn how to make beautiful rolags for spinning or blend for felting.