We are proud dealers of Ashford Wheels and Looms. They gave us permission to use their videos to teach you how to spin on their wheels. For more information about their wheels or to take one on a test drive, please stop in at Get Stitchin’, and we will be happy to get you spinning.
I am currently working on getting kits together to help you start spinning. As soon as I can produce a drop spindle video I will post it too.
How to Spin
How to Ply Your Yarn
Good Posture for Spinning
Maintaining your Spinning Wheel
How to spin chunky yarn
Core Spinning on the e-Spinner Super Jumbo
e-Spinner Super Jumbo
Kiwi Super Flyer
Spinning with the Freedom Flyer on the Joy
Review of the the Ashford Country Spinner 2
Spinning on the Ashford Country Spinner 2 – Core Spinning
Spinning on the Ashford Country Spinner 2 – Bubble Ply
Spinning on the Ashford Country Spinner 2 – “In the Loop” Art Yarn