This is our day to come together and enjoy the fellowship of wool fiber enthusiasts.

Knit in Public Day
We have always participated in the annual Worldwide Knit in Public Day. We are making changes to this year’s Knit in Public Day. We want to invite all the wool fiber folks to join us for a day of Knit, Crochet, Spin, Weave, and Felt Day.
This will be a wonderful day of fellowship, with lots of games and chances for prizes. We are going to have snacks and take the time to enjoy the creativity of everyone who joins us. Be sure to mark the date, and find your wool crafts and comfy lawn chair, so you can join us for a fun day with fiber enthusiasts.
We will have an area outside for you to sit, but if it gets too hot or starts raining, we can move inside the classroom.
Keep scrolling to learn more about what we are planning for you…

Games and Prizes
Terry is super excited and getting ready for game-time with prizes!
She has a variety of word searches, bingo, and more!! You don’t have to play the games, but why not! You could win a prize!
Did we say snacks?
Why yes we did. We will have a few snacks. If you would like, you can bring your favorite snack and share too!!
We have water and coffee, but there are lots of places close by with drinks; or you can bring your beverage of choice.

Local Dyer May Fun Drawings
Our local dyers are doing a promotion starting during this event, and the drawing will occur during Knit in Public Day, June 8th. So, throughout the month of May you can purchase as much yarn as you want, and for each skein purchased your name will go into a drawing. Each purchase from that local dyer will get your name into their basket. They will pull out a winner on June 8th at noon. Learn more about each of these wonderful dyers by scrolling through this page. I promise, you will find one that will tickle your fancy.
Drawing for this event will be held during Knit in Public Day, so stop in and support your local dyer and get a chance to win!

May Fun Stitches Drawing
The rules are simple:
- Knit or crochet every day in May. Mark your progress on this tracker.
- It doesn’t have to be much–just a row, or even a stitch.
- It doesn’t have to be the same project–you can bounce around.
- You don’t have to finish anything.
- Just nurture your habit. It’s a good one.
- It’s the honor system. Be honorable.
Even if you don’t fill everyday, you still get to submit your calendar for the drawing.