Christmas in July_edited-1Come on in out of the heat and check out our Christmas in July Sale!

We want to help you get started on your holiday gift making and you can help us make room for future fall items that will be arriving soon!!

Sale starts Monday, July 5th, and runs through Saturday, July 23rd.  All store merchandise is 15% off.  We are offering 25% off all Christmas related items, such as patterns and materials needed for Christmas related patterns.

Items not included are:

  • Finishing Work,
  • Classes,
  • Special Orders,
  • Made in Oklahoma Items, and
  • New Arrival Items (located on new arrival table).

15% discount cannot be combined with other discounts.


Did we mention door prizes???

Be sure to stop by and sign up for the following door prizes!!  You can fill out a ticket for each $10.00 you purchase.  We have prizes for Cross Stitch, Knitting, and Crochet.  You don’t need to be present to win.  We will draw the winners at 4pm on Saturday, July 23rd.

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